If you have difficulty waking up early and, especially, having energy, know that it is possible to change this situation. Whether it’s to improve your mood, productivity or even personal relationships, it’s worth investing in some daily care.

Getting adequate and satisfactory rest can make all the difference in your quality of life. Want to know more about this topic? Check out 8 tips to wake up feeling more energetic below.


1. Avoid using the “snooze” option on your alarm clock

The “snooze” button can look like a good choice for people who wish to sleep longer, but avoiding an early morning wake-up call is very dangerous. This is because, in order to sleep, the body secretes serotonin, a neurotransmitter connected with feeling well and being relaxed.

When waking time comes, dopamine release increases the activity of the body. When the person wakes up and lies back down, sleep is interrupted that causes “confusion” in brain biochemistry and breaks the wake-up moment. Rising from bed altogether is the best strategy to prevent feeling sleepy.

2. Avoid loud and/or shrill alarms

The way a person wakes up also impacts their disposition. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid alarm clocks with repetitive , sudden and loud sounds, as they can trigger reactions such as fright or irritation due to the adrenaline related to the sound.

One tip is to opt for alarm clocks with calm music and at a low volume (which increases gradually). In this way, the organism wakes up naturally, gradually leaving the waking state.

3. Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up

Another tip to improve your mood is to leave a glass of water next to your bed and drink it as soon as you wake up. During sleep, the body does not hydrate itself, so by drinking water , it is possible to help the body perform its functions properly. Water hydrates mucous membranes, activates the digestive system and improves the appearance of the skin.

4. Invest in caffeinated drinks

Drinks like coffee , which contain caffeine, can help improve mood and energy. Nevertheless, this form of beverage has to be drunk in moderation, since excessive amounts of caffeine bring about unpleasant reactions, such as brief anxiety.

In addition to coffee, eating carbohydrate foods, fiber and protein foods like wholemeal bread, cereals, fruits, white cheese and low-fat yogurt will also provide the body with enough nutrients for performing its activities.

5. Exercise in the morning

Having some form of exercise before beginning your day is among the best tips to wake up more energized. It accelerates the metabolism and facilitates the burning of fat. Further, physical activity stimulates the discharge of endorphins, substances that are linked with well-being and relaxation.

It is, nevertheless, advisable against performing exercise just before sleeping time (at least up to a period of three hours prior to bed). This is because the workout keeps one alert and therefore spoils rest.

6. Avoid heavy meals and alcoholic drinks before bed

Consuming very fatty foods or large quantities close to bedtime overloads the stomach, liver and intestines, disrupting your night’s sleep.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat light meals , such as vegetable-based soups and broths, as well as lean proteins .

In fact, those who have difficulty getting up early should also avoid alcoholic beverages, as alcohol disrupts the natural sleep cycle.

7. Avoid using screens before bed

Using monitors (the usage of your cellular smartphone or looking tv, for instance) is a dependancy that harms the satisfactory of sleep and the frame’s resting technique. This happens due to the fact displays emit a type of mild that works as a brain stimulant, which increases the time needed to go to sleep, which can cause insomnia.

8. Plan to go to bed in advance

Although the amount of sleep required varies from person to person, for adults, snoozing 7 to nine hours a night is vital for adequate relaxation.

Set a bedtime and stick to it, remembering to maintain the environment calm and peaceful for rest. A quiet, darkish region permits the hormones that manipulate sleep and wakefulness to be produced and released at an appropriate time.

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