Have you ever stopped to think about how much time we waste with our “heads in the clouds”? Thinking or regretting something from the past or worrying about the future.
And how much time do we actually spend in the present? A study conducted by psychologists at Harvard shows that we spend much less time in it than we should. That’s right! According to this study, we spend almost 47% of our time imagining situations.
Just think how many things we would do better if we used this time in the present. The quality of the activities we perform, our productivity, concentration and attention would certainly be better.
Several factors lead us to think too much and act too little, including anxiety.
The problem is that this action only makes anxiety worse, because we become even more anxious by thinking too much. Addiction to social media also makes us “travel” too much, there is a lot of information at all times and we are unable to absorb it all.
So, we just watch it all happen. Besides, on social media, everyone has the perfect life, right? Who hasn’t found themselves “living” other people’s lives? Stopping “getting carried away”, whether in your past, future or on social media, will help you make many plans come true.
You need to focus 100% on your life, your activities and your plans. This way, you will be able to take your dreams out of your mind and make them a reality, in addition to being more productive and having better quality in the tasks you perform.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness means being 100% in the present and focused on what is being done or happening right now. It is a mental state in which we have total control of our concentration when doing something, without letting our mind “fly” to the past or the future.
It’s not that we should stop thinking about what happened or what will happen. It’s important to analyze the past, what went wrong and what went right, and that way, we can avoid making new mistakes and summarize what is good.
Thinking about the future is also great, after all, our dreams will only come to fruition if we plan. That’s the secret: planning is different from spending hours just thinking about how great it would be if something happened or hoping that it will change in the future.
Mindfulness can help you lots while making plans your destiny. Sit in a place in which you could listen and be completely absorbed in what you will do .
Think about what you need, in which you are now, and what you want to do to get there. Be practical, plan, and set dreams. This is the fine manner to dream about the destiny, draw up an action plan, and placed it into exercise.
How to apply Mindfulness in your life?
Despite bringing very good results, this technique requires changes in habits – something that is not easy for us – but we can start with small exercises in our day.
When eating, for example, try to pay attention to what you are feeling. The texture of the food, the flavors, the mix of foods on that plate. Do this without interference from the TV, internet or cell phone, in the quietest place you can find, preferably at the table at home.
Do the same thing when brushing your teeth, feel the brush moving over your teeth, the taste of the toothpaste, the movements you are making. Try to reproduce this in other activities of your day, when making the bed, washing the dishes, preparing food, etc.
It’s important to get out of autopilot, but don’t think it will be easy.
Our thoughts plays hints on us, it might not be long earlier than thoughts complete of worries try and invade your mind. Don’t fear, just throw them out and start over.
Over time, this can grow to be a habit and you may be capable of use it on different areas of your lifestyles, along with work, studies and personal life. And you will be experiencing every second in its own time.
Benefits of practicing Mindfulness
This technique basically involves putting you in the present, making you live and do things now. This brings many benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety.
It also helps you to be more productive, as mindfulness increases your concentration, since you will not be interfered by random thoughts, consequently, you will be more productive.
The quality of what you do, whether at work or in your free time, will also improve. Instead of worrying about what will happen tomorrow, for example, you focus on what you are doing now.
Furthermore, this mental state also helps us with self-knowledge, improves the quality of sleep and even protects the brain.
To enjoy all these benefits, start by changing small habits; nothing changes overnight. Take it easy and don’t get frustrated if thoughts come to you without you realizing it.