Today, both the conditions of the country and the stress we experience in our business life and traffic take up almost all of our time. No matter what, we should do whatever we can to live our lives comfortably and peacefully. Yes, we are talking about motivation. What is motivation? How can we increase our motivation? What is personal motivation? What are motivation methods? How are personnel motivation methods applied? What are the motivation techniques that work? You will find the answers to these questions in this article.
What is motivation? What are the methods of staff motivation?
First of all, let’s start our article with the definition of the concept of motivation. Motivation is the behavior of individuals with their individual wishes and desires in order to achieve a goal. When we look at the definition, it is very important that we determine the right sources of motivation for ourselves.
For example, just as when we are hungry and eat sour, sweet and salty at the same time, they mix in our stomach and make us feel nauseous, the motivation that an individual wants to provide for himself is a great source that feeds us.
Therefore, attacking many places instead of creating motivation for ourselves will affect you negatively. In other words, dealing with many things will tire you more, make you feel burnout syndrome, and most importantly, cause your motivation to decrease.
In addition to these, it would be possible to give a current example. For example; you must have seen people who eat too much on the weekend and say that they will definitely start a diet on Monday.
So who really started a diet on Monday? Everyone knows what they need to do to increase their motivation. Unfortunately, the problem isn’t that they don’t know. Most people know how to get motivated.
But unfortunately, he does not apply these methods. People learn many new things at every age and even every day. Therefore, it has certainly been experienced that knowing something is a remedy after not applying it.
What are the motivation methods?
First of all, let’s say that there are internal and external factors that affect our individual motivation . If we were to describe internal factors, we can say that there are factors such as a person’s intention, the goals they set for themselves, psychological problems, self-confidence, the ability of a person to cope with anxiety, and a sense of curiosity.
If we list the external factors, especially the expectations of the family and society, the punishment and reward systems applied to the individual, and the learning models, which are common in our society, also have a great effect. Finally, the tendencies in the circle of friends are also listed among the external factors.
So what should we do to increase our personal motivation?
Problems usually start with not being happy with our lives. It especially continues with postponing many things in our lives. The day you will do something never comes. Therefore, not being planned will reduce your motivation to even lower levels. Stop for a moment. Take a breath. And re-examine your life.
Of course, changing your life is never easy. However, there is no such thing as impossible. The first thing you need to do is to make a list of the things you are not happy with in your life. Then you should try to improve and change them. If something is causing your motivation to decrease, you should definitely change it.
In addition to these , one of the biggest reasons that can decrease your motivation is the negative thoughts in your mind. Therefore, people who have exhausted their life energy quickly have problems with concentrating on their work.
People who have too much negative emotions are unaware of what they can do. They cannot evaluate the time they have lived correctly. Remember that people who can achieve their success are those who can focus on their goals. Many people are very much influenced by their environment.
Since he is unable or does not know how to direct himself, others begin to direct him. Here we explain the methods to be applied in order to increase motivation.
What are the Methods to Increase Your Personal Motivation?
The first and most important rule to increase our motivation is to believe.
Let’s not forget that the most important struggle in a person’s life is the struggle he gives within himself. Therefore, we must increase our self-confidence for our motivation.
First of all, we must trust and believe in ourselves. Thus, those around us will also trust and believe in us. We must inspire ourselves. We must say, “I can do this job, I can succeed in this job, I can get into this job.” When you start doing this, you will see that the work you do will be faster and more efficient.
We may fail at something. However , failure should not cause us to lose our motivation. We should keep our morale high no matter what. This is very important in order not to lose our faith. Faith is one of the most important factors affecting our motivation.
We should observe the success of people around us. It is very important to learn from their efforts and say if they can do it, I can do it too.
Movies can also contribute to human life. Watching movies that are very difficult or even impossible to achieve will positively affect your motivation.
In addition, examining historical events and reading successful stories will also provide positive benefits. When we wake up in the morning, we should convince ourselves that the day will be good. With this action, we will remove our minds from negative thoughts.
We should be cheerful when we start every task. We should convince ourselves that the troubles and sorrows experienced in life are temporary.
One way to increase our motivation is to eliminate words like “I can’t do it”, “I can’t succeed”, “It’s not possible” from our vocabulary.
Our lives may not always be full of beauty. It is necessary to get used to such situations. Therefore, in order to maintain the resistance of our body, we should eat healthy and regularly and pay attention to our sleep patterns. Another way to increase our motivation is definitely to be alone with nature.
We can also get rid of problematic thoughts and clear our minds by walking regularly.
Every person has a different taste in music. For your motivation, it is to listen to the kind of music you like constantly. We should always be proud of ourselves. After a job we have successfully completed, we should do something we love as a reward for ourselves. We should have pictures or objects that we envy and enjoy seeing in our homes, in our surroundings and on our desks.
What are the ways to protect ourselves from losing motivation?
We have listed for you what we need to do to increase our motivation. We will also explain ways to protect ourselves from decreasing motivation.
First of all, we should always be open to change. And most importantly, we should always improve ourselves. It should not be forgotten that a person is valuable as they develop. We should appreciate everything we have. Change for a person happens in two ways.
A person may not be able to reveal what qualities he has in himself. Therefore, when he allows his unknown qualities to emerge and really wants to change something, change occurs.
We should always take care to establish positive relationships in order to feel good about ourselves.
We must show respect and be respected. We must value and be valued.
Being listened to and appreciated for our thoughts are among the most important value judgments for a person. We should always trust ourselves. We should be courageous and self-confident.
The most important thing for people is to feel good. For this, we must know ourselves well. Therefore, everyone knows their strengths. It is necessary to develop and nourish these strengths. They should develop themselves in their weaknesses. People should always know their own values.
Finally, whatever we do, remember that we do it to ourselves.
In order to feel good, we should not get stressed and we should not leave the work to be done to the last minute. In order to achieve this, we should control our time correctly. We should apply the methods of using it correctly to our lives.
The last thing to do after these methods we have shared in order not to lose our motivation is not to lose yourself.