Migraine sufferers may feel pressure, stabbing pains and throbbing in their head. This can be caused by stress, emotional triggers, dry weather, poor sleep quality, hormonal changes, among other factors.

However, a review of 180 studies carried out in the USA identified an association between migraines and eating habits. In fact, some substances that make up certain foods can be triggers for headaches .

If you can identify that your migraine is triggered by certain foods, it may be easier to treat.  And you can find the cause among some of the options here! So keep reading!

What is migraine?

Migraine is a disease whose symptom is headache, and it is considered multifactorial, that is, it can have numerous causes.

In a few cases, a migraine is a caution sign. It ought to suggest a hormonal change, a sudden change in ordinary, a long duration of fasting, a awful night’s sleep, pressure or maybe the consumption of certain foods.

Migraine complications are throbbing and can be observed by way of sensitivity to light, sounds, and smells. Symptoms can ultimate from three hours to 3 days.

Migraine Symptoms:

  • Throbbing pain in the head, eyes, forehead and extending to the face;
  • Discomfort;
  • Tiredness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Muscle sensitivity;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Irritability;
  • Sensitivity to light and noise.

We know that emotions can affect our bodies, but what is the relationship between food and headaches? See below which substances can cause these symptoms and which ones should be avoided!

Why are some foods headache triggers?

There is still no common understanding among scientists as to why some foods trigger migraines.

However, it was noted that the presence of compounds that promote the dilation of blood vessels have a higher incidence of headaches.

Vasodilation is not all bad, but for people who have a predisposition to migraines, it can be an important factor.

Additives to preserve food and enhance flavors are also associated with the onset of crises, due to the agitation of the nervous system that these items cause.

Foods that can increase headaches

People who are sensitive to a type of substance can trigger migraine attacks, even with foods that are considered good for relieving headaches.

Check out below some foods, drinks and fruits that can trigger headaches:


Although coffee gets a bad rap, it’s not the only thing that can trigger migraines. In fact, any caffeinated beverage can affect your headaches.

Other caffeinated beverages:

  • Black tea;
  • Green Tea;
  • Matte tea;
  • Energy drinks;
  • Soft drinks.

However, there are two ways that coffee can cause a migraine attack: excess and withdrawal.

If you are predisposed to migraines, coffee – and other caffeinated beverages – can decrease your control over the pain, making the pain worse and more frequent.

Additionally, too much coffee can increase tension, which is also linked to complications .  In the absence of this substance, some humans may suffer from headaches because of caffeine withdrawal. This is very commonplace among individuals who drink coffee at some point of the week – on days once they paintings – however do no longer devour the beverage on weekends. In these instances, the discomfort can occur within 24 hours of eating the dose.

It is recommended to consume up to 3 cups of coffee per day, around 400ml to 600ml.


You might think that alcohol only causes migraines during a hangover, but be aware that some people can experience headaches after just a small dose of alcohol.

The body transforms alcohol into acetate, and there is also the possibility that substances present in the liquid, such as histamine and tyramine, can disrupt neurotransmitters and thus trigger seizures.

Alcoholic drinks that cause the most headaches:

  • Red wine;
  • White wine;
  • Champagne;
  • Whiskey;
  • Dark liquors;
  • Tequila;
  • Vodka;
  • Beer.


Chocolate is also considered a major trigger for headaches. In addition to containing caffeine, chocolate has other compounds with stimulating and vasodilating effects.

Some people are sensitive to these substances and develop migraine attacks. According to the American Migraine Foundation, 22% of people who suffer from migraines cite chocolate as one of their triggers.


One of the reasons cheeses are on this list is the fact that they contain large proteins that are mistaken for aggressive agents and attacked by the body’s defenses, thus generating migraine attacks.

However, like red wine, cheese also contains tyramine, which due to fermentation ends up increasing its circulating levels, favoring the onset of headaches.

Yellow cheeses contain the most of these substances, so avoid parmesan, cheddar, gorgonzola, brie and opt for ricotta, cottage and cream cheese.

Other dairy products such as sour cream, yogurt, and kefir can also increase the intensity of your pain.

Fruits that can cause migraines

  • Citrus fruits (such as orange, pineapple, grape, acerola, kiwi, passion fruit, etc.);
  • Dried fruits (such as raisins, figs and dates);
  • Watermelon;
  • Papaya;
  • Red plum;
  • Raspberry;
  • ripe banana;
  • Avocado.

We always hear that fruits are good for our health, however, for those who are sensitive to the components present in some of them, they can end up becoming villains.

In a study carried out by scientists, it was observed that participants with migraines who were placed on a diet with some fruits had more attacks than the others who did not have contact with the selected fruits.

Other factors that can cause headaches

Before you start cutting out certain foods from your diet, you should know that there are many other reasons that can lead to headaches. For example:

  • Sleeping poorly: It is very important to maintain the quality of your sleep , after all, a good night’s sleep can prevent the development of headaches, as well as other diseases and syndromes that may arise due to a lack of rest for the body.
  • Anxiety and stress: It is very common for emotional disorders to spread to physical problems such as muscle tension, gastritis and inflammation. Anxiety and stress are considered the main factors in triggering headache attacks.
  • Awake bruxism : Stress can lead to awake bruxism, which is the clenching of the teeth and tension in the facial and head muscles during the day. Because of this daily tension, the patient may experience symptoms such as tooth sensitivity, ringing in the ears, and tension headaches .

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