Ignoring swimming techniques, posture and even breathing are common mistakes in swimming. However, as silly and harmless as they may seem, they can turn a simple workout into a real challenge.
The truth is that, in the water, every detail is crucial to avoid injuries and improve performance in the sport, after all, when the practice is not well executed, the body suffers and progress does not happen.
With that during thoughts, learn about 7 commonplace swimming mistakes you’ll be making and the way to avoid them!
Don’t make these 7 commonplace swimming mistakes!
Regardless of your level of experience inside the pool, it is critical to be aware of a few details that could impact your swimming experience. Below, see the listing of 7 not unusual swimming errors which you have to avoid making once more:
1. Not learning to breathe correctly
Not paying attention to your breathing during training is a common mistake in swimming. Holding your breath for too long or breathing incorrectly makes the exercise more tiring than it needs to be.
To enhance your experience, your breathing must be smooth and always coordinated with your body movements. Without this synchronization, even the simplest workouts can become extremely difficult!
2. Maintaining incorrect posture
Bad posture in the water can affect your swimming performance. Having your head up (or down) too high creates unwanted resistance, making it hard to move and putting your joints and muscles under strain. The most important thing is to have your head in line with your spine, with your eyes looking down in order to minimize effort and fatigue.
3. Performing poorly executed movements
Many times, some swimmers try to force their arms or legs to gain speed, but what ends up happening is the opposite: less propulsion and more effort. The movement should be a natural extension of your body, not a desperate attempt to speed up the pace.
Therefore, it is important to focus on technique , controlling the body smoothly to ensure greater efficiency and less fatigue!
4. Not warming up, stretching or doing mobility
Preparing your body for practice is essential and should be part of your sports routine . After all, warming up, stretching and mobility will ensure that your practice is better.
Each of these exercises has specific roles that directly contribute to your performance in the sport.
WARM UP: Prepares the body, increases circulation and flexibility, leaving the muscles ready for training.
MOBILITY: Improves the range of motion of joints, preventing stiffness and ensuring more efficient movements.
STRETCHING: Relaxes muscles after training, helps recovery and improves flexibility.
5. Forgetting to synchronize arms and legs
When your arms and legs are out of sync, your swim performance goes downhill. A sensation that your movements are “broken” is a good indication that your coordination is not going smoothly as it should.
To improve this and avoid yet another common swimming mistake, it is important that each part of the body is in sync, ensuring a continuous and uninterrupted rhythm. Working on educational exercises that focus on coordinating movements can help strengthen this connection!
6. Using the wrong equipment
Incorrect and/or poorly adjusted equipment not only creates distraction, but can also hinder your movements in the water , making your workout more difficult and less productive.
To avoid possible discomfort and have good swimming performance, choose:
- Goggles with adequate sealing to prevent water from entering your eyes during practice.
- Caps that fit comfortably, without being tight or coming off your head.
- Swimming clothes that provide comfort and freedom of movement.
7. Swimming in the sea without preparation
Prior to going out to sea, there is a need to have good mastery of the techniques of pool swimming. This is due to the fact that the sea offers other challenges like currents that are stronger and offer poor visibility, which greatly influence performance.
To avoid problems, the tip is to seek specialized sports advice in order to learn the best techniques and know how to swim in the sea safely .
Finally, to have a good practice, it is essential to correct all these common swimming mistakes that can go unnoticed. Pay attention to the details — after all, this will make all the difference. Consistency in training and the constant search for improvement are the secret to transforming your potential into extraordinary results!